
Everything You Have to Know About Energy from the Phone and Other Energy Saving Methods

There are many things in this world on which you can spend your money: 

things which bring you pleasure,
things which entertain you, 
things which make your life easier. 

Unfortunately many people do not afford purchasing this type of things because most of their income goes on house hold expenses. 

Among these, the electricity bill is by far the most expensive. 

But it does not have to be this way. 

There are plenty of solutions which can increase the efficiency of your home appliances so that they can use less power. 
In addition to that, there is another source of power which can significantly reduce your electricity bill if you take advantage of it in the right way.

But let’s start with the beginning: in order to spend as few money as possible on the electricity bill you will first have to make sure your house is not one of those energy sucking houses which consume more energy than it should. 

Take a look at your electrical system and check that there are no leaks. 
Their existence will not only increase your bill, but will also increase the risk of burning down the house, so this type of checking should be done at least once a year.

Once you have done this, start replacing your old appliances with new ones which need less energy to do the same things as your old ones. 

Also, purchase appliances which do not suck electricity when they are in standby, as this can decrease the amount of money you have to spend on electricity. 

Last, but not least, insulate your house properly, so that your heating and cooling systems will need to function less to bring the temperature from inside to normal.

When your house will no longer suck so much energy for nothing you will see how you will need to pay less for the same comfort. 

To save even more money, you can also take advantage of the energyfrom your phone line

If you have had no idea until now, through your phone lines runs an electrical current which can be gathered and used for powering different appliances from the house. 

You will not pay any additional fee for it, just the normal telephone bill. This way you will manage to save some great amount of money, which can be used for other purposes!

Enjoy ;)

How Energy from the Phone Protects the Environment and your pocket

There is more and more talking around that the planet is in trouble and that each and very individual must do something in order to protect from further damage. 

One of the major factors which strongly pollute the environment is the smoke and the scrap material resulted after energy production. 
This means that the less energy each individual consumes, the greater are the chances that we will live in a clean and unpolluted environment and that less animals will die or will have to leave their natural habitat. 

You can do something too: use less electrical power and contribute to the saving of your planet.

This sounds great in theory, but in practice things become complicated. 
There are so many useful objects around your house powered by electrical current and giving up on them will significantly affect your comfort. 
You may think that you are being selfish when thinking like that, but do not worry, there are many people who have thought this way, too and now are saving lots of money on their electrical bills, consume less power from the plug and still manage to power all their appliances. 

How they did it? 

Through your phone line runs every day almost the same amount of power that you have in the plugs, just that you do not know about it. 

You pay for that power, but because nobody told you about it, you are not aware of its existence and are not able to use it. 

It is there and it can be used for consuming less energy from the national electrical network. 

All you need is a device that will gather all that energy (which otherwise is wasted) and you will have a cheap source of energy that will replace part of the traditional one. 

This way, you will save energy from the energetic company, thus enabling them to produce less and thus protect the environment.

In addition to that, the phone company has its own production line for energy and when the power is off you will still have your TV and other home appliances working. 
You will have all these advantages from the energy coming from the phone line, an energy which is otherwise wasted! 
This is really a great way to contribute to a green planet without giving up your comfort or spending lots of money on expensive solar or wind power systems!

Enjoy ;)

Save Energy And Money By Using Your Phone Line For Electricity

How many times have you not thought about effective ways through which you can cut off on your expenses? 

How many times did you not feel like there is no way through which you can save money from your electricity bill? 

How many times have you not though about giving up the appliances which make your life so comfortable? 

If your answer to all of these questions is “many times”, then you should know that you can reach your goal, that of saving money from the electricity bill, without having to give up the things which make yours and your family’s lives much easier and more comfortable.

All you have to do to decrease the amount of money you spend on electricity is to build a device that will gather energy from the phone line. 

This device is rather simple to make and use and can be completed in no more than two hours. 

Yet, once you have the system which will capture the energy from the phone line you will save lots of money from the electricity bill. 
Simply by switching some of your appliances from normal power to the power coming from the phone line you will manage to decrease considerably the electricity bill. 

Think about your portable radio player or television, your hair drier or your electrical stove, think about all those electrical things you love so much and you had to give up because of the great energy you were consuming. 

Now you will be able to use the energy gathered from the phone line to power them and enjoy their benefits.

In addition to brining back the comfort to which you were used to before you had to cut off the expenses, the device capturing the energy from the phone line will also be great for those times when the power system collapses and there is no more electricity. 
The phone companies will still have energy on their lines, energy that you can take advantage of. 
This way, your food from the fridge and your television will not be affected in any way. 

Quite a great think if you live in an area where the power system collapses frequently!

Saving money from the electricity bill has never been simpler. 

Just build your own device and gather all the energy you need for your electrical appliances!

Enjoy ;)

Energy from the Phone

 What You Need to Know About It

Electrical bills are one of the worst nightmares of each and every house owners. 

They are getting bigger and bigger each day and there is no chance of lowering them unless you give up your comfort and you no longer satisfy your necessities. 

How would you be able to make it through a hot summer day without the precious air conditioning system or how would you manage to maintain the food in good condition without a fridge? 

There are things powered by electrical current that you really need in your house and for having them you would do any sacrifice that is necessary.

There is no need to sacrifice the things you like in favor of the electricity bill. 
There is one way through which you can collect energy without paying extra money in the electricity bill. 

You just need a special device, that can be done by you in the comfort of your own home. 

With this device you will be able to use the electricity that is running through your phone line. 
Yes, there is plenty of energy running through the phone line and is free as you already pay for it when paying your telephone bill. 

Why should you not take advantage of it, if you have this huge chance of lowering your bill without cutting out on things you like and need?
The phone company produces its own energy that it is distributed through the phone line. 
This energy is used for transmitting the information better along the line and you pay for it when paying your phone bill. 

Why should you not use it? 
All you need is a special system through which you can gather the electricity from the phone line and deposit it into special batteries which will be used then for powering the electrical appliances from your house. 
Simple, comfortable and extremely cheap option of having energy!

In addition to that, because the phone company does not take the energy from the national energy network, but produces its own energy, you will be able to use your electrical appliances even when the power goes off. 

So, you will not only save money by extracting energy from the phone, but you will also make your house even more comfortable. 

Try this option and you will see how the electricity bill will no longer be a problem for you!

Enjoy ;)

Transform Your Phone Line in an Ecofriendly Electricity Producer

Phone 4 Energy

Finding ways to save money from the electricity bill and at the same time save the planet from all the pollution caused by the energetic companies are issues which trouble many people from all over the world. 
While the solar power and the wind power may be a solution for a portion of the population, the vast majority of people still cannot afford using these alternative methods. 
For them, a much easier solution can be found: getting energy from the phone line.

Each and every day power is running through the phone lines without you knowing what a great potential these phone wires can have. 
Yet, with a simple device which includes a battery, an inverter and some wires you will be able to gather all that power from the phone lines and transform it into electricity with which you can power your electrical appliances.

You have already paid for this electricity when you have paid the phone bill, so there is no point in feeling like you are stealing something because what you are doing is only to take something you have paid for.
Even though you will not be able to power your entire house from the phone line and the big electrical appliances, like the fridge or the air conditioning will not function great with this type of electricity, the small appliances will work properly. 

You will save some energy this way and this is going to be seen on your electricity bill.

In addition to that, this will also help you keep the planet in better conditions as by reducing the amount of energy you consume from the electricity provider, they will produce less energy and will pollute the environment in a less aggressive manner. 
In addition to that, most of the power from the phone line is wasted, especially during the night, thus you are not doing anything wrong in gathering it and use it for your own purposes. 

It is like you will be speaking more on the phone than you normally do!

There are many advantages of switching part of your electrical appliances to energy collected from the phone line, so why not give it a try!

Enjoy ;)